Healthy Body, Healthy Mind: Part 8

Well, I’m officially a third of the way through the program! It doesn’t feel like I’ve been doing this for four weeks yet (how quickly a month goes!) and I think I’m going to be sad when it’s over. I like working with my girls. I like challenging myself. I like being to able see improvement in my capability (each session we record weight  / reps / speed etc).

This week has been a bit of a struggle, again. On Wednesday morning, I woke up and I just felt…blah. I thought about not going in for my session. Same thing on Friday. Other girls in my group had missed sessions, and I thought ‘what can one hurt, right?’. And then I saw the contract I made at the start of all this. I had committed to training 3 times a week. One of the ways my depression manifests itself is that I stop turning up to things – even things that are important and non-negotiable. So both days I pushed myself to get up and go and I’m so glad I did because I felt great at the end of each session! Continue reading

Healthy Body, Healthy Mind: Part 7

This week has been crazy busy (as I thought it would be), which is why this update is coming to you two days late. Oops.

What have I been doing this week, I hear you ask? Well, I’ve traveled to Sydney 3 times! Last Saturday to celebrate my grandmother’s birthday; on Wednesday to go to a preview of The Imitation Game (which you should all go and see when it comes out in January); and on Friday to see Danny Boyle’s Frankenstein (which is also amazing). I got to hang out with lovely friends and eat great food and see my sister’s finished house!

So, onto PT for this week… Continue reading

Healthy Body, Healthy Mind: Part 6

I’m not going to lie: training this week was god damn hard. It was a real struggle on both Monday and Wednesday to complete my regime. Today wasn’t so bad (despite being 40*C) – maybe because I had gotten used to having our new (regular) trainer? (Hi Alex!) Maybe it’s because I felt good about my cardio warm up? I don’t know.

OH! The lovely Nena (who’s also of Dutch descent) has joined us! So our group is up to four now 🙂
Continue reading

Healthy Body, Healthy Mind: Part 5


I’m actually quite a bit better than not dead. I mean, this week has by no means been easy – it has been hard work to make myself go to training every second day, even though I like my trainer and the two girls I train with (hey there Heather & Jess!). Wednesday (second training day) and Thursday have probably been my hardest days this week. My arms were in acute pain on Tuesday / Wednesday and so all the arm weight exercises were a struggle. By Thursday, the pain was more of a dull ache, but it was continuous – it hurt no matter what! Miraculously, this morning all the pain was gone and I was able to complete my whole workout! We’ve done two workouts in the afternoon, and one in the morning and I think I prefer mornings better. It got me up out of bed and actually doing things today (I’ve done my washing! Did my Quiet Time! Studying! Reading!) Continue reading

Healthy Body, Healthy Mind: Part 4

I had my first Personal Training session today!

Now, before you start worry that there are going to 36 mundane, horrible entries about workouts and how much I can lift etc, I can promise you that it won’t be the case. At the end of each week, I’ll be doing a weekly round up, and if something particularly significant happens, I’ll write about that too. On we go… Continue reading

Healthy Body, Healthy Mind: Part 3

So, when I last left you, I didn’t know if I would be in the intervention group (immediate start) or the control group (wait 3 months). Last Wednesday, I met with the study coordinator and opened the “Secret Envelope of Secrets”  which announced that I was to be in group A – the intervention group. Huzzah! Continue reading

Healthy Body, Healthy Mind : Part 2

So I had my appointment with the exercise physiologists this morning to get some baseline data for the study.  I was quite apprehensive before I went (and a little irritated that I couldn’t have any caffeine in the 48 hours before the test). Exercise and me are not the best of friends, and I was worried about being judged (as has happened to me before). So, the thing that struck me the most was how absolutely incredibly lovely and supportive  they were! Continue reading

Mental As….Sonja

I’ve sat down to write this a few times now, and deleted it over and over again.

It’s Mental Health Week in Australia – or month if you live in NSW. Obviously, this is a topic close to my heart. I believe that more people need to speak up about it, so that there can be greater understanding in the wider community that having a brain that is sick is no different, really, than have a body that is unwell.

The problem lies here: I want to write an uplifting post. I want to say that it all gets so much better and therapy and medication really help and there is an end in sight! In some ways, this is correct: I have overcome Bulimia Nervosa, the roots of which began when I was 8 (but that really took hold when I was 16). I no longer have any symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. These are two really big things that took a lot of hard work to achieve, and I am proud of them. Continue reading

Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

Hi there!

Ok,  if anyone still reads this blog, I apologise for not actually, you know, posting in quite so time. So if you’re still with me, bravo to you 🙂

So. I’m about to be involved in a very interesting study, run by the University of Newcastle, to determine the effects of regular exercise on young people with depression. It’s a 6 month study involving a period of 12 weeks with no intervention and 12 weeks of structured exercise programs run a personal trainer 3 times a week. I’ll either get the intervention straight up or wait 3 months. So far, I’ve completed a phone interview, online survey and psych evaluation to make sure I meet the criteria. Next up is a meeting with an exercise physiologist to take some baseline personal data (height, weight etc) and  determine my current level of fitness (ha!) and I’ll also have some blood taken to measure some inflammation markers (don’t ask me what that’s all about…?) Continue reading